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Helpline9800508000 / 03432608000
Emergency9800508000 / 03432608888
A blood bank is a place where blood is collected and stored before it is used for transfusions. Blood banking takes place in the lab. This is to make sure that donated blood and blood products are safe before they are used. Blood banking also determines the blood type.
IQ City Medical College Hospital Blood Bank and Transfusions services are committed to provide highest quality and safe blood and components at affordable cost to the patients.
– The blood bank is operational 24×7 on all days of the year and supplies whole blood as well as other forms of blood components viz. Packed Red Cell Concentrate, Platelet Concentrate, Fresh Frozen Plasma and Cryoprecipitate as and when required by the patients.
– The blood donors are screened and counseled prior to donation following standard national guidelines and the collected blood units are tested and screened using the best available techniques. Testing for viral markers is done by fully automated Chemiluminescence technique which is a very sensitive method for viral marker screening.
– Component therapy and rational use of blood is practiced as per standard guidelines.
– The department also provides consultation to the clinicians regarding transfusion therapy if need be. Quality management system is implemented in all phases of activity and besides internal quality assurance, the department also participates in External Quality Assurance Scheme.
Dr. Debrata Roy
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